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CIS - SAM Exam Study Guide for ServiceNow Developers
Exam Study Guides

CIS - SAM Exam Study Guide for ServiceNow Developers

ServiceNow CIS-SAM Exam Study Guide

This article is a list of resources for the ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist - Software Asset Management Exam.

I created this set of notes and practice questions while studying and passed on the first attempt. So, if you utilize this guide and study each part of it, you should be all set to ace your exam and get your SAM Certification!

A very important note: there are several Quizlets and 'exam dumps' online. All of the Quizlets and exam dumps share the same answers (most likely copied from each other), and they contain A TON of wrong answers.

I spent my first couple days studying them, only to realize that the answers did not match what the ServiceNow docs said. In this post, I've listed a large set of practice questions and they have the correct answers.

If you're studying for your ServiceNow SAM Exam, I highly advise you to use the practice questions in this article. Of course, I'd love for you to use Snowycode to study - but the real reason is that literally every other online resource (besides the docs) are a minefield of wrong answers.

You can also check out our exam guides for ITSM Implementation and Certified Application Developer (CAD) and Application Portfolio Management (APM).

If you're new to ServiceNow certifications, learn how to get certified in ServiceNow.

Structure Of The Study Guide

The guide will be structured in the following manner:

  1. Relevant links - easily access the course, blueprint and webassessor
  2. Tables and Roles - all SAM tables and roles listed
  3. Practice Questions - a list of all practice questions (and answers) I used when studying
  4. Notes - a full list of my notes from studying (mostly definitions and examples from the course). Disclaimer: they may be a bit jumbled, but I've tried to re-organize them in a way that's easy to digest

Relevant Links

Official ServiceNow Links

Tables and Roles

SAM Tables:

  • Software Installations [cmdb_sam_sw_install]
  • Software Discovery Model [cmdb_sam_sw_discovery_model]
  • Software Model [cmdb_software_product_model]
  • Software Entitlements [alm_license]
  • Software Publishers [samp_sw_publisher]
  • Software Products [samp_sw_products]
  • Discovery Maps [samp_sw_entitlement_definition]
  • Software Packages - [samp_sw_package]
  • Software Product Definitions [samp_sw_product_definition]
  • Custom Software Product [samp_custom_sw_product
  • Downgrade Rights [samp_dmpa_downgrade_model]
  • Software Package (from Content Service) [samp_sw_package]
  • Product Results [samp_product_results]
  • License Metric Results [samp_license_metric_result]
  • Software [cmdb_ci_spkg]
  • User Allocation [alm_entitlement_user]
  • Device Allocation [alm_entitlement_asset]
  • Normalization Suggestions [samp_normalization_suggestions]

SAM Roles to know:

  • SAM Admin [sam_admin]
  • SAM User [sam_user]
  • SAM Developer [sam_developer]
  • SaaS License Management integration admin [sam_integrator]
  • Software Spend Detection import user [sam_spend_import]

Practice Questions:

Note: the questions are in no specific order. If you're having trouble with a question or need more info, you'll probably be able to find that info in the Notes section. Ctrl+f what you're looking for and there may be additional notes on it

What are the 3 main goals of SAM

  • Maintain Compliance
  • Optimize Spend
  • Support Software Audits

What are the 8 components of the Software Asset Lifecycle

  • Plan > Request > Approve > Source > Allocate > Manage > Support > Sunset
  • Note: I tried to memorize an acronym (PRASAMSS) to remember this

What is Normalization?

  • Process of normalizing a discovered software installation to standardized values: Publisher, Product, Version

What are the different Normalization statuses?

  • New
  • Normalized
  • Partially Normalized (Publisher and Product only - if version entered then changes to Manually Normalized)
  • Publisher Normalized
  • Match Not Found
  • Manually Normalized

How are the Software Asset Management Professional Plugins activated?

  • They are requested from and activated by ServiceNow support

What are the 4 phases of Discovery?

  • Scanning
  • Classification
  • Identification
  • Exploration

License metric rights allocations are calculated for:

  • Allocated in use
  • Not allocated in use
  • Allocated not in use
  • Allocations needed

Performance Analytics must be separably licensed if used for SAM reporting?

  • False - The Performance Analytics - Content Pack - Software Asset Management classic is enabled automatically when ServiceNow activates Software Asset Professional on your instance.

What does a usage record track?

  • The sum of usage on a monthly basis

Discovered software is stored in the Software Installations [cmdb_sam_sw_install] table

  • True

The Create Purchase Order UI Action is available when

  • When the procurement plugin is activated

Who can grant a user the script writing capability?

  • sam_developer

Which of the following remediation options may be available after a reconciliation has been run?

  • Create Allocations
  • Remove Allocations
  • Remove Unlicensed Installs
  • Purchase Rights

What is used to determine if installations are a part of a suite only when the suite parent is not discovered on a device?

  • Inference percent

If a value from an import set does not exist in the ServiceNow instance, and the value is required, but the new value cannot be created; which option should be selected?

  • note: this question showed up on all practice tests but I couldn't find a reliable answer in the docs. If you find the correct answer, please email me at and I'll add it in here!

You must separately procure licenses for _______ in order to utilize Workflow and Client Software Distribution to automatically install software on devices

  • Orchestration
  • EXPLANATION: question is worded weird, it’s asking what you’d need to procure. The answer is orchestration because without Orchestration, the only thing CSD can do is reclaim software - it can’t install it. If you want to use CSD to install software, you need the Orchestration product also

Which user role grants access to set reclamation rules?

  • sam_admin

Creation of a template can help facilitate future data imports and be reused to import and transform data

  • True

In defining a Custom License Metric, in the Reconciliation Order field, the ____ metric rank priority number takes precedence

  • Lower

A Software Product can only have a single license metric type associated to it

  • False
  • EXPLANATION: a product like Adobe can have several different metrics (i.e. the whole point of a publisher pack)

In order to write to the reconciliation results, a user would need the following role in ServiceNow: sam_user

  • False
  • EXPLANATION: Users with the sam_admin role can run on-demand reconciliation; users with sam_user role can only view reconciliation results.

In which stage is the purpose to understand the process and product gaps between baseline ServiceNow functionality and specific customer needs?

  • Examine

In order to write to the reconciliation results, a user would need the following role in ServiceNow sam_reconcile_user

  • False
  • EXPLANATION: this isn’t even a role

Servicenow Implementation Methodology (SIM) has 6 stages. In which stage are technical and user stories documented in Servicenow?

  • Plan

Software usage data can be imported utilizing

  • From what I read, it’s all 4 of the answers. SCCM, manually, third party sources, transform map (which would imply import set)

The License metric, Per Core, licenses cores on only a physical server

  • False - it can be on a physical server or virtual machine

Which of the following description describes Trustworthy Data within Capability Blueprint?

  • Know what you have so you can manage it
  • EXPLANATION: here’s the capability blueprint:
  • Tier 1 – Trustworthy Data
    Know what you have, so you can manage your assets.
  • Tier 2 – Practical Management
    Improve management controls and drive immediate benefits.
  • Tier 3 – Operational Integration
    Improve efficiency and effectiveness through integration with other process such as request procurement.
  • Tier 4 – Strategic Conformance
    Achieve best in-class.

A software model has this number of catalog items

  • One - the product catalog is a set of information about individual models. Models are specific versions or various configurations of an asset. Asset managers use the product catalog as a centralized repository for model information.

What table is populated with the content library data that is pulled from the content service?

  • samp_sw_package

When are discovery models created?

  • Automatically created during discovery

Which of the following are NOT tabs available on the License Workbench? (Choose three)

  • Publisher License Metrics
  • Publisher Software Models
  • Publisher Compliance
  • EXPLANATION: The ones that are: All Publishers, Publishers Out of Compliance, and Pinned Publishers

Software Discovery Models are stored in what table?

  • cmdb_sam_sw_discovery_model

What is used to determine if installations are a part of a suite only when the suite parent is not discovered on a device?

  • Inference percent

As part of the software normalization process, the Business Rule "Create a Software Normalization" uses what type of normalization rules?

  • Exact Match Rules

Which of the following calculations are provided for publishers on the license workbench? (Select four)

  • Over-licensed amount
  • Potential savings
  • True-up Cost
  • Total spend

A user is notified their software install has been flagged for reclamation. The user declines approval. What is the next step in the workflow?

  • The user’s manager must approve or decline the reclamation
  • EXPLANATION: so if the ‘notify user’ is checked then the reclamation goes to the user first. If no response, then it auto reclaims. If approved, then it’d reclaim also. If they reject, then the manager would have to approve or decline to allow them to keep the software (because if the user rejects, that means they want to keep it).

Software Asset Management Plugin ships with the full content library

  • False - by default, you are not opted in to the content service.

By default, which ServiceNow role can read, but not create, a custom license script?

  • sam_admin
  • EXPLANATION: it seems like most script related questions are sam_developer — sam_developer inherits sam_admin which means it can do the same but more

Custom License metrics can only be created on a per user or per device basis

  • True

What does the acronym "CAL" stand for?

  • Client Access License

Mechanism for mapping data from the Import set table to the permanent table in ServiceNow is called

  • Transform

Any product that accurately discovers software installations on computers in an environment can be used as the source for Software Installation Data

  • False (not confirmed)

Automated license reconciliation keeps license positions accurate and up to date without manual calculations. Reconciliation runs ________ or on demand for a specific publisher or all publishers

  • Weekly

Publisher information such as general availability and end of life dates will be provided as part of what feature within ServiceNow?

  • Software lifecycle content

The process of determining compliance by comparing software rights owned with normalized software installations discovered is

  • Software Reconciliation

ServiceNow Discovery has 4 phases Scanning; Classification; Identification and Exploration. In which phase is the software running on a device identified?

  • Exploration

Blacklisted candidates are

  • Software installations now allowed on the network environment

Which of the following is NOT a valid entitlement import error?

  • Purchased rights should be less than 20

The license metric field is by default, displayed on which record form within ServiceNow?

  • Software entitlement

If a user or device has an allocation and no software installations for the software rights will still be consumed during which process?

  • Reconciliation

Within Software Asset Management there are many key terms to understand, what is the best definition for Software Allocation?

  • One or more rights assigned to a specific device or user

According to ServiceNow recommendations, any changes to the OOB (out-of-the-box) Reconciliation function/fields should be handled through which option below?

  • Configuration 

Software installed on a virtual machine could never have an entitlement to a Per Core license metric

  • True (not confirmed)

Which of the following is an invalid software normalization status?

  • Fully normalized

What role does Easy Import require?

  • admin

What data needs to be tracked in SAM?

  • Entitlements
  • Allocation
  • Software Model
  • Foundation Data

How often does Discovery run?

  • Business Rule (Create a Software Normalization) on insert/update
  • Scheduled Job (Discovery Model Normalization) - daily - Processes all discovery models that are not normalized or manually normalized.

How often is new normalization content pulled from the Content Library (if instance is SN hosted)?

  • Weekly

When creating a reportable bar graph view of license metrics you can use which option to refine how you view the data?

  • Group By

When creating a purchase order which of the following allows you to source a software model from multiple providers?

  • Vendor Catalog Item

A listing of goods offered or available by a third party

  • Vendor catalog

Which of the following reasons could apply when remediation option has an "In progress" status?

  • Workflow or processes have been initiated to purchase or harvest software rights

The Product Catalog is

  • A collection of Models in the environment

Utilizing a Software Catalog for software requests is a recommended practice for the following reasons

  • Reduce cost by leveraging preferred vendors
  • Reduce risk of software license non-compliance

The Service Catalog is

  • Listing of goods an organization provides

Which role is required to create custom license metrics?

  • sam_developer (but sam_admin can read them)

Which two users would most likely have sam_user as their primary role?

  • SAM Process Owner
  • Sam Administrator

What role is required to opt-in to Content Service for Software Spend Transactions?

  • sam_admin

You can use SA entitlements to license your software?

  • False

To utilize the License Change Projection feature, this plugin must be active

  • com.sn_samp_change

What provides real-time status updates?

  • Operational Reporting


Below is a compilation of the notes I took studying. They go somewhat in order with the course, but not completely. They cover almost all necessary topics, terms and definitions that you'll need for the exam.

Basic overview of SAM:

Working in conjunction with other ServiceNow platform products, software license rights can be requested, procured, managed to software contracts, allocated to users or devices, and reclaimed. Software installations can be discovered, normalized, and reconciled to software products, models, entitlements and allocations to quickly identify the software license position.

Simply stated, Software Asset Management is the stewardship of software assets from planning through sunset

The goals of SAM are:

  • Maintain Compliance
  • Optimize Spend
  • Support Software Audits

Key Terms

  • Discovery and Normalization - Automated discovery can be used to detect software installed in your environment. The normalization process compares the discovered publisher, product, and version detected against the ServiceNow repository of normalized values.
  • Reconciliation - Calculates the compliance status of software products with respect to discovered installations and defined software models and entitlements.   
  • Licensing - Software discovery models are created for all installed software products and are tied to software models via a discovery map or defined discovery conditions. Software entitlements are related to software models and define license details, including rights to use.
  • Remediation - Provides selectable options to attain and maintain a satisfactory compliance position.
  • Optimization - Reduces non-compliance or software spend by uninstalling software from devices and reclaiming those software rights.
  • Dashboards - Provides software related information in the form of statistics and charts.

SAMP must be activated by ServiceNow personnel

After a plugin is active it cannot be disabled or deactivated. The functionality, however, may be hidden.

There are six modules within the SAM Professional Product.

  • Dashboards
  • Licensing
  • Reconciliation
  • Removal Candidates
  • Discovery
  • Administration

Software Asset Workspace - started in Rome, better UI, com.sn_sam_workspace plugin

Master SAMP Plugin: com.sn_samp_master

By default, the ServiceNow administrator persona (admin role) is responsible for loading asset management data from integrations and discovery tools into SAM Pro.

Trustworthy Data

Know what you have, so you can manage your assets.

Key Terms

  • Discovery pattern - Used to discover software installations. Software Asset Management automatically leverages SQL Server, Exchange, and Oracle Database discovery patterns, but you can perform steps for Software Asset Management to utilize additional discovery patterns, if needed.
  • Software installation - Software installed in your environment that discovery identifies and automatically populates into the Software Installation [cmdb_sam_sw_install] table.
  • Software discovery model - Automatically created during discovery or import process to identify and normalize the software installed in an environment. There is a difference between software models and software discovery models.
  • Software discovery map - A predefined set of conditions that determine which software discovery models get mapped to which software models.
  • Pattern normalization rule - Used to normalize specific software products within an environment based on a common pattern.
  • Normalization status - Identifies the level of normalization match based on publisher, product, and version.
  • Manual normalization - Manual update of software discovery model data.
  • Normalization suggestion - Provided automatically when there is a variance detected between standard normalization and a discovery model that has been manually normalized.
  • Machine learning normalization - Used to generate accurate license positions from raw discovery data.

Effective Software Asset Management requires good foundational data as well as data that identifies what software rights are owned and what software rights are in use.

What data needs to be tracked in SAM?

  1. Entitlements
  2. Allocation
  3. Software Model
  4. Foundation Data

Example of a Software model:

Publisher: Microsoft

Product: Office 365

Version: 2008

Edition: Enterprise

Software Entitlements - provide software license details that define user rights. They play a part in your compliance position - like whether a user using a given software application has been correctly licensed to the application)

Entitlements are usually entered manually, but sometimes are integrated with procurement software.

Entitlement Import Template - a downloadable spreadsheet that makes it easy to import entitlements. 

To get there in the Application Navigator: Software Asset > Licensing > Entitlement Import

Data is NOT required in every column

The Publisher Part Number is optional, yet recommended. If available, the import process will automate matching this Software Entitlement with the correct Software Model, creating it if it doesn’t already exist. 

If you do not have the PPN, then the next four fields are mandatory (Publisher, Product, Version, and Edition)

Custom Part Numbers can be added to resolve an entitlement import error that occurs when a part number doesn’t exist in the software library.

Errors: There are three error statuses; OpenFixed and Ignored.

Reconciliation runs WEEKLY through a scheduled job, but you can run it yourself also.

The Discovery Map (DMAP) links Discovery Models to Software Models

ServiceNow Discovery - enables you to create an accurate, up-to-date, single system of record for your IT infrastructure, both on-premsises and in public clouds.

Discovery automatically finds IP-enabled devices within your enterprise network and, using a combination of probessensors, and patterns in four phases discovers the CI components that make up the IT infrastructure (e.g., servers, network devices, printers, applications, and more).

It then provides a scheduled classification of the CI components and populates the CMDB with the detailed information it finds.

Note that both ServiceNow Discovery and Software Asset Management (SAM) Professional require separate licensing.

The normalization process compares the discovered publisher, product, and version detected against the ServiceNow repository of normalized values.

Software discovery models are created for all installed software products and are tied to software models via a discovery map or defined discovery conditions. (Software entitlements are related to software models and define license details, including rights to use.)

Reconciliation calculates the compliance status of software products with respect to discovered installations and defined software models and entitlements.

Software installations are discovered using discovery patterns

There are four discovery phases (SCIE):

  • Scanning: “Are you there? How will I classify you?” 
  • Classification: “How should I classify you specifically?” 
  • Identification: “Have I seen you before?”
  • Exploration: “What else can you tell me about yourself?”

Exploration is the phase where the software, running on the IP enabled device, is identified.

  • Software Discovery Model [cmdb_sam_sw_discovery_model]
  • Software Model [cmdb_software_product_model]
  • Software Installation [cmdb_sam_sw_install]

Discovery models are automatically created during discovery

If a software discovery model is not found that matches the primary key, a new software discovery model is automatically created.

Note: If the Publisher and Product fields on the software model are empty, the values are automatically populated according to the discovery map assigned to the software model. Additionally, If the software discovery map has a lifecycle definition defined, those settings are automatically populated in the Software Product Lifecycles related list.

Software Normalization - ServiceNow SAM software normalization delivers a definitive inventory of discovered publishers, products and versions. This can be extremely helpful when preparing for a software audit.

SAM adds normalized PublisherProduct, and Version values to the discovery model. SAM then uses these normalized discovery models to reconcile installed software to the entitlements related to your software models

Normalization improves the accuracy and efficiency of reconciliation for your software entitlements.

Normalization is a key part of reconciliation, but don't try to make it perfect. Resist the urge to get fixated on hit rates, normalization is an intermediate reconciliation goal.

Discovery models are compared to ServiceNow's Software Content Library

Discovery Model Normalization Status

  • Normalized - Discovery model is fully normalized based on publisher, product, and version fields. Normalization may also populate other discover model fields, such as Edition.
  • Partially Normalized - Discovery model is normalized on discovered publisher and discovered product. The remaining attributes require manual input.
  • Match Not Found - No corresponding match was found in the content library. Custom software often has this status.
  • Manually Normalized - Discovery model is normalized to some degree manually.
  • New - Discovery model has been created and has not yet run through the normalization process.

When Does Normalization Run?

Business Rule Create a Software Normalization executes before insert/update and normalizes discovery model using the exact match rules (samp_package_map, samp_product_map, cds_client_name). 

Scheduled job Discovery Model Normalization (sysauto_script) runs daily.

Software License Management

Software license management (SLM) is a key component of the software asset lifecycle. 

Its primary objective is to track, control, and reduce software costs, including costs associated with non-compliance findings during a software audit.

Software license management encompasses the peopleprocesses, and technology used within an organization to monitor and control what software licenses the organization has and how those licenses are used.

Software Product - Used in combination with the publisher during discovery model normalization. You can add a custom product if a software product does not exist in the Software library.

Software Model - Used to organize software licenses in meaningful ways. They are associated to a defined product and the software model category

Software Suite - A group of related software products offered as one unit. The parent is the master model that represents the suite of software. It has one or more suite children.

Publisher Pack - Provides publisher specific licensing metrics for reconciliation and optimization to determine license compliance. When activated, results are displayed in a software publisher compliance dashboard.

Software License Metric - Set in software entitlements and used for software license reconciliation (e.g. reconcile based on users vs devices)

Client Access License (CAL) - A software license measured by the number of users or devices that can access a product.

Software Suite - groups related software together to provide them as a single offering to ensure accurate license counting.

Any software model can be a suite parent or a child. They can be a child of many models.

For example: Microsoft Word can be a child of both Microsoft Office Standard Edition and Microsoft Office Professional Edition

Suites have the ability to identify inference criteria. An inference percent defines what percent of the suite must be installed to be identified as a suite. This is only used

if the suite parent does not exist on the device.

Software models are kinda like the key that links your installs and discovery models to the entitlements.

Software License Metrics

Software license metrics are used for reconciliation to determine your compliance position

License metrics can be defined for users, devices, processors and cores

What license metrics are available is based on the metric group. Metric groups are either common or tied to a specific software publisher.

The ServiceNow Software Asset Management Professional product comes with six common license metrics:

  • Per Core: Licenses cores on a physical server or virtual machine e.g., ([CPU core count] * [CPU count]).
  • Per Device: Licenses a device for a number of installations of software.
  • Per Named Device: Licenses a specific device for a number of installations of software.
  • Per Named User: Licenses a specific user for a number of installations of software.
  • Per Processor (CPU count): Licenses processors on either a physical server or virtual machine.
  • Per User: Licenses a user for a number of installations of software.

Publisher Packs

The video demo in the course is great (link here)

These are specific metric groups that provide unique License Metrics for publishers like Adobe, Citrix, Microsoft etc. — specific add-ons that cater to those publisher’s license models

Example: Adobe Publisher Pack (com.sn_samp_adobe)

Publisher packs are available add-ons to Software Asset Management that provide the capability to manage software based on specific publishers’ license models. They aid in defining what data needs to be captured/discovered to ensure accurate measurement and reporting for compliance.

When publisher packs are activated, their license metrics become available for selection in entitlements. When reconciliation is run, identified installed software is compared to the metric group (publisher), license metric, and software model on entitlements. The results of this reconciliation populates the compliance dashboard for the software publish

Gives you access to Publisher Overview dashboard

Client Access Licenses (CALs)

CALs control the number of users or devices that can access a particular version of software. and allows users to access services on a commercial server. Although most client access licenses are based on individual installations, some are based on concurrent access. 

For example: if access is purchased for 25 concurrent CALs, then the organization is only allowed to have 25 devices or users accessing the service concurrently.

Custom Software License Metrics

If the pre-defined software license metrics do not account for an unusual metric, a custom software license metric can be created. 

When the metric is applied to an entitlement it will function like all other metrics during reconciliation. 

Note: The sam_admin role is required to read the custom metric script. The sam_developer role is required to create or modify a custom metric script.

Required fields are name and calculation script

Software Entitlements

Software Entitlements represent a point-in-time purchase of rights to use software.

When matched against installation and usage dataentitlements help determine compliance and control costs.

To maintain software compliancy, calculate software installations vs. entitlement rights. 

Software entitlements define license details of purchased software, track licenses that have been allocated to users or systems, are associated with software models, and are stored in the [alm_license] table.

Entitlement attributes  (just look at an entitlement record to see these in action)

Software license details are tracked in software entitlements including the following:

  • Display name for the software entitlement
  • Asset tag of the software entitlement
  • Software model associated to the software entitlement
  • License type and duration
  • License metric that the entitlement was purchased for
  • Software entitlement agreement type
  • Number of purchased rights
  • Number of active rights
  • Number of available allocations

Key features of ServiceNow software entitlements

Some key features of ServiceNow software entitlements are display name is automatically generated based on related software model and the software entitlement asset tag, Software entitlements are also used for full and upgrade licenses, identifies the metric group and metric used to determine the number of rights used (e.g. per user vs. per device), and tracks rights purchased, active rights, and allocated rights.

Publisher Part Number (PPN) facilitates creation of entitlements by identifying whether a software model already exists or not. If the model exists: The software model field is automatically updated. If the model is for a suite, suite components are automatically added. If the model does not exist, a software model is automatically created for the entitlement.

Software Allocations

Software allocations in ServiceNow’s Software Asset Management Professional product are records that grant one or many right(s), are identified on the entitlement record, and assigned to a user or device to use the software. 

Below is an example of a user allocation (device allocation looks identical except Assigned to is Allocated to):

User Allocations Record in ServiceNow

On a Software Entitlement record related list, you can see all of the allocation records for an entitlement (as shown below):

Device Allocations in ServiceNow

Entitlements that have available rights may be allocated to multiple users or devices. 

Allocations identify a user or device that has one or more rights to use a software entitlement. Each entitlement will have multiple allocations, and each user or device can have multiple rights allocated to them.

Software entitlement rights may be allocated through the software request process (service catalog), the software remediation process (based on reconciliation), or updated directly on the entitlement record (either manually or through import).

User Allocations:

  • Are assigned to individuals
  • Identify the quantity of entitlement rights assigned to the individual
  • Identify the license key or keys assigned to the individual

Device Allocations:

  • Are assigned to a single device
  • Identify the quantity of entitlement rights assigned to the device. This may be greater than 1 if they are allocated per core
  • Identify the license key or keys assigned to the device

Software Reconciliation

Software reconciliation is an automated process which calculates compliance based on how many rights are in use compared to the number of active rights that have been purchased. It keeps license positions accurate and up to date without manual calculations.

Discovery maps are a predefined set of conditions that determine which software discovery models get mapped to which software models. Purchased rights are only applied to software discovery models that meet the conditions defined in the discovery map. This matching is important for reconciliation. There are discovery maps provided within ServiceNow, or the condition information can instead be specified directly in the software model.

Software reconciliation is run as a scheduled job (default is weekly) but can be run on-demand for one or all software publishers and can be grouped by country, region, company, cost center, or department. For Oracle installed on VMware, you can choose to run reconciliation for Oracle Database from ESX level or Vcenter Cluster level. 

When reconciliation is run, a list of reconciliation results is created that shows compliance status of software with respect to discovery and entitlements. 

Users with the sam_admin role can run on-demand reconciliation; users with sam_user role can only view reconciliation results.

There are four tiers of reconciliation results:

  1. Software Publisher - Results for all products and installations associated to the publisher
  2. Software Product - Results for all models and installations associated to the product
  3. Software Model - Results for all license metrics related to the software model
  4. License Metric - Results for each license metric associated to the software model

software product result for a licensable product is generated after reconciliation even if there are no software models defined for the product.

software model results record is only created when a software model or entitlement exists for the product.

NOTE: Costs will only calculate for publishers, products, and models, if related entitlements have a cost identified.

Software product results

After reconciliation is run, the software product result displays information such as Software Model Results, Unlicensed Installs, Removal candidates, etc. 

Sometimes a product result shows as Not Compliant, but the software model results shows as Compliant. This stems from installs associated with the product that did not map to software models. 

License Workbench

The License Workbench (located by navigating Software Asset > Licensing > License Workbench) provides reconciliation results in a simplified view. It can be used to quickly identify compliance position by publisher and further drill down into compliance position for:

  • Software products related to a publisher
  • Software models related to a product
  • License metrics related to a software model

Note: The list of publishers in the navigation bar on the left is referred to as the Publisher workbench navigation tree.

True-up Cost - Estimated cost of remediating non-compliance

Over-licensed Amount - Estimated cost of rights not being used

Potential Savings - Estimated cost that can be saved by taking action on underutilized or incorrect consumption of licenses

Removal Candidates - Shows a list of identified software to be removed from the environment and provides the justification for removal

Unlicensed Subscriptions - only populated if the software product is a subscription

Unlicensed Installs - The list of software installations found in the environment, associated with the software model, that are not covered by software entitlements

Remediation Options - Shows the number of rights needed, the costs of those rights based on associated license metric, and available actions for attaining compliance

Operational Integration

Now that you’ve learned how to manage and discover the data, you need to see how it can integrate with other parts of the platform and actually be put to use.

Software Asset Management in a silo often causes duplication of effort, unnecessary process complexity, and additional cost. By integrating with existing operational business processes, SAM gains process efficienciesimproved visibility, and significant time and cost savings.

The focus of the Operational Integration tier:

  • Integration with contract management through tracking of software license contracts and their relationship to software entitlements
  • Integration with change management through projection of changes in licensing to support request for change
  • Integration with service catalog management, product management, and vendor management through publishing and requesting software
  • Integration with purchasing/procurement through software sourcing
  • Tying it all together through remediation of software non-compliance

Common terms used in this section

  • Software license contract - A binding agreement that identifies, among other things, how the software is licensed, how it can be used, and how it will be maintained.
  • License change projection - Provides insight into the potential cost implications of changes to processing resources (CPU & CPU Core) for software licensed by processor.
  • Service catalog - Tailored portals to provide self-service opportunities to request products and services. 
  • Software catalog - A category of software products published and made available in the Service Catalog.
  • Product catalog - A set of information about software models.
  • Vendor catalog - A list of products and associated costs available from vendors.
  • Software request - A grouping of one or more items that have workflow associated with them to facilitate the requesting, approving, allocating, purchasing, ordering, and receiving of software.
  • Remediation options - Available actions for remediating license rights issues identified during reconciliation.

Software License Contract

A contract is a binding agreement between two parties. Software contracts come in many forms and have many different sections and clauses. The most common types of software contracts that most companies want to manage are software licensessoftware license bundlessubscriptions and software maintenance.

By capturing what contracts you have and associating them to your assets you have easy access to contract numbers, contract start and end dates, terms and conditions, renewal information, financial terms, and related documentation.

Software Spend

Software Spend Detection - The ServiceNow Software Spend Detection application enables you to trackanalyze, and optimize IT software spending from imported financial data.

The overlapping software capability within Software Spend Detection enables you to gain visibility of redundant applications in your software portfolio to rationalize in-use applications, consolidate applications with similar functionality, reduce software costs with actionable spend data, and increase productivity and collaboration across the enterprise by simplifying the tech stack.

Plugin: (com.sn_sam_spend) - Software Asset Management - Spend Detection 

Role needed to import financial data: sam_spend_import

Software Spend tables:

  • Software Spend Transactions [sam_spend_transaction] Financial transaction data
  • Software Spend Transactions Import [sam_spend_transaction_import] Import summary table showing number of rows imported and any import errors 
  • Software Spend Transactions Import [imp_sam_spend_transaction] Staging table for financial transaction data imports

License Change Projection

Through an optional plugin, ServiceNow Change Management can be integrated with Software Asset Management. This integration provides Change Management with insight into the potential cost implications of changes to processing resources (CPU & CPU Core) for software licensed by processor.

License Change Projection

Source from existing available rights or create a purchase order to source from a vendor

Three types of catalogs support the request and procurement process:

  1. Service Catalog - Central listing of goods and services an organization provides - End users order from the Service Catalog.
  2. Product Catalog - Collection of Models in the environment - models can be easily published to the Product Catalog and are then automatically published to the Service Catalog.
  3. Vendor Catalog - Listing of goods available from a vendor - items in the Vendor Catalog link to models in the Product Catalog.

Keep the following in mind when working with catalogs:

  • A software catalog is part of a service catalog.
  • A product catalog item can be linked to multiple service catalogs and vendor catalog items or to a single model.
  • A model can only have one product catalog item.
  • A vendor catalog item can only have a single product catalog item.

There are two options are available when sourcing a request:

Add allocation

If there are available rights, this option will allow the assigning of those rights:

  • In the Entitlement Name field, select the entitlement to be allocated. If there are multiple entitlements with available rights, the pull down list will display all the entitlement names and the number of available rights for each entitlement.
  • License Metric, Available Allocations, and Type will automatically populate be read-only based on the entitlement selected.
  • Rights can be updated to identify number of rights to be allocated on this request.
  • In the Assigned/Allocated field select the device or user to allocate the rights to.

Add purchase order

If the rights need to be purchased, this option will create a purchase order if the capability is available:

  • In the Vendor field, select the vendor to source from. If there are multiple vendors for the product, the pull down list will display all the vendor names and the price for each vendor.
  • Metric Group and License Metric need to be selected when externally sourcing.
  • Quantity can be updated to identify the number of rights to be purchased on this request.
  • In the Destination Stockroom, select where the purchase should be delivered. For non-physical entitlements, you may want to setup a dummy stock room (e.g. Corporate or Licenses).

Purchase orders

Purchase orders have a record with the details and then the line items ordered. Purchase orders specify assets to order from a single vendor. The Procurement product lets you track a request that was ordered from the Service Catalog

Software Remediation

Establish an accurate compliance position

Software remediation has three main goals: 

  1. Maintain compliance 
  2. Optimize spend
  3. Support software audits.

These goals are achieved by reconciling what is owned to what is allocated for use and remediating issues.

Source internally - Use allocation

Source externally - Create a purchase order

The Remediation Options related list can be accessed on the Software Model Result record or from the License Workbench and provides a list of options available to become compliant, based on license metric results.

When software models are Not Compliant there are four remediation options available:

  1. Purchase Rights
  2. Create Allocations
  3. Remove Allocations
  4. Remove Unlicensed installs

Asset Reclamation Request - basically just streamlines getting assets back from an employee that leaves the organization

Strategic Conformance

Achieve best in class

Common terms used in this section

  • Software lifecycle management - Supports the tracking, monitoring, and controlling of software shelf life.
  • Downgrade rights - Software entitlement rights to use previous or future versions of a software product.
  • Software usage record - Tracks the sum of software usage on a monthly basis.
  • Software reclamation value - Used to aggregate usage records and identify unused software.
  • Restricted software - Software not allowed within an environment.
  • Software removal candidate - Used to reclaim software in an environment.
  • Software subscription - Rights to use software for a specific amount of time.
  • Software retirement - Elimination of software within an environment.

Software Product Lifecycle

Maintaining software product lifecycle data manually is time consuming and challenging which often results in legacy software versions and editions persisting throughout the environment long past their end-of-life and/or end-of-support dates.

As part of the Software Asset Management Content Library, content such as publisher general availability and end-of-life dates will be provided for software models that have been assigned a discovery map where software lifecycle content is available. If a discovery map does not have software product lifecycle content associated to it, the SAM - Create lifecycles for a software model scheduled job is run weekly to generate new lifecycles for newly released content.

Downgrade and Upgrade Rights

Though the process of managing software downgrades and upgrades is not part of the software product lifecycle, it is a key activity required to ensure you remain operationally aligned to the lifecycle.

• Downgrading software is the process of purchasing license rights for one version of a software product but using an earlier version.

• Upgrading software is the process of purchasing license rights to one version and being allowed to use a newer version.

Table: Downgrade Rights [samp_dmpa_downgrade_model]

Use the Agent Client Collector application to collect software inventory and usage data for the Software Asset Management application.

It It helps discover software that is deployed on end users machines

An agent is useful in discovering software deployed on end user machines such as laptops as well as machines deployed on isolated networks that only allow outgoing data transmission. You do not need to keep track of login credentials or IP ranges, nor do you need to create a discovery schedule. The agent, along with other software, can be deployed via a deployment image and then it continuously performs discovery and sends data back to your ServiceNow instance. 

You can download the Agent Client Collector application from the ServiceNow Store.

Software entitlements with and Agreement type of Generic cannot be used for downgrade rights

Downgrading is more common than upgrading

Software Installation Optimization

Installation Optimization is about knowing what license rights are installed, who’s using them, and reclaiming unused or unauthorized software.

  • Software Usage provides information on who’s using a software, when it was last used, how many times it has been accessed, and the total time (in seconds) that it has been used.
  • Software Subscriptions provide information on who’s using a subscription software and the last time there was activity.
  • Removal Candidates provide a list of software installs planned to be uninstalled from the environment. This list can be a combination of remediation options, reclamation rules, and manual creation.
  • Blacklisted Installations provide a list of software unauthorized to be used within the organization. This is important to monitor as blacklisted installations can introduce contractual non-compliance, security violations, and viruses into the environment.

Software usage provides monthly aggregate information on who’s using what software, when it was last used, how many times it has been accessed, and the total time (in seconds) that it has been used.

Whenever possible, usage records should be populated automatically. They can be imported using a Microsoft SCCM integration. 

Removal Candidates

  • Reclamation candidates - Those installations that have been identified as low utilization
  • Blacklisted installations - Software installations not allowed in the network environment
  • Other candidates - Those installations being removed because they are unlicensed or unallocated.

Software Reclamation Rules

Software reclamation rules are used to aggregate usage data and define length of time a software must be unused in order to become a reclamation candidate.

User notification can be configured, to inform the user when they are flagged as a candidate. This is to provide them time to get authorization to keep the software installation. If there is no response, within a defined number of days, automatic reclamation occurs.

ServiceNow’s Client Software Distribution (CSD) product is used to remove/reclaim software.

For Software Asset Management, ServiceNow’s Client Software Distribution (CSD) product facilitates the removal of software without any user interaction. Using Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) a scheduled job revokes unentitled software and reclaims license rights. Utilizing this capability does not require that the software to be removed was installed by SCCM.

Although the full CSD product allows administrators to distribute, manage, and revoke software/reclaim license rights through automation, only the revocation/reclamation capability is entitled as part of Software Asset Management. Full use of CSD requires the Orchestration - Client Software Distribution plugin (com.snc.orchestration.client_sf_distribution), which is available by request with a subscription to ServiceNow’s Orchestration product. 

Software Retirement

Software Lifecycle Report

Using end-of-support or end-of-life software no longer supported by a publisher exposes your organization to the risk of security threats. Since the New York release, you can use the Software Lifecycle Report to products nearing end-of-life, end-of-support, and end-of-extended support. Use the information to mitigate risk to your organization with remediation actions such as buying extended support, planning for software upgrade, or software removal.

Note: Since Orlando, the Software Lifecycle report is enhanced to prioritize any publisher life-cycle information entered by the user over life cycle information provided by the software library. 

Reporting & Analytics

For Software Asset Management preconfigured dashboards, indicators, and other configuration records are available through Performance Analytics Premium for Software Asset Management plugin ( which is activated when Software Asset Management Professional plugin is activated.

Common terms used in this section

  • Reporting - Provides detail and/or summary data for a specific point in time.
  • Performance Analytics - Enables the tracking, aggregating, and visualizing of key performance indicators over time.
  • Dashboards - Enables the displaying of reports and widgets in a single view.
  • Widget - An object that is contained on a dashboard that displays information and provides the ability to drill down to details.
  • Scorecard - Displays data for a single indicator and enables insight into how indicator scores are broken down by different dimensions and changes over time.
  • Overview Dashboard - Provides software asset true-up costs and license, compliance, and removal summary trend charts.
  • Publisher Dashboard - Provides compliance analysis results related to Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, VMware, and Citrix. 
  • Subscription Dashboard - Provides compliance analysis results related to Microsoft Office 365 and Adobe Cloud License Management.

Report – data summary describing a process at a point in time.

Analytics – a series of measurements collected over time to provide historical trends of a process and potential future projections based on those historical trends.

Operational reporting: Provides real-time status updates. Example: How many software licenses does each department have right now? Provides summary of past information. Example: How many software licenses did each department have at this time last year?

Performance Analytics: Provides trending information for processes so that action can be taken as soon as performance degradation is detected. Example: What is my weekly trend of software models out of compliance for the last month? Also provides correlation of multiple business processes and uses analytics for maximum process insight. Example: What is the percentage of software models out of compliance in the past month?

Performance Analytics part 2 - ServiceNow Performance Analytics allows users to visualize data that is collected and aggregated over time. This data reveals trends which can be used to make real-time adjustments and improve how business functions. It can be used to align resourcessystems, and employees to strategic objectives and priorities.

Use Cases for PA with SAM:

• Being able to identify that a certain software is being used less often (reduced over time) may indicate a need to look at potential over-license conditions. 

• Being able to identify that a certain software is being used much more often (increased over time) may indicate a need to look at renegotiating contracts to get better pricing for anticipated demand.

Although Performance Analytics for SAM is available as part of the SAM Professional licensing, additional licensing is required if you want to use Performance Analytics for other ServiceNow products.


The Software Asset Analytics dashboard tab is accessed by navigating to Software Asset > Overview 

The software Publisher Overview dashboards are accessed by navigating to Software Asset > Publisher Overview.

We will now explore a couple of the SAM subscription dashboards available. 

The Office 365 and Adobe Cloud dashboard is accessible by navigating to Software Asset > Office 365 & Adobe Cloud. Click an element within a report to see more information or add and move widgets as needed. 

You can view subscription information by specific Subscription Software Models or on a specific Subscription Publisher.

Engineering License Manager

The Engineering License Manager application provides visibility into license usage for engineering software applications from publishers such as AutoCAD and ESRI via an integration with OpenLM. Navigate Software Asset > Engineering License Overview.

Note: Engineering applications is a broad term used to categorize software products that are used in industries such as aerospace, oil and gas, and construction.

Required Plugin: Software Asset Management Professional for Engineering Applications (com.sn_samp_eng_app). 

Integrate with Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD) to view software usage for all connected SSO applications.

A single integration point to Okta to download applications, users, and user groups.

Baseline connection to Okta to provide additional usage data for Single Sign On (SSO) applications within the Okta. 

This helps to integrate with different applications you have within Okta, and you can pull in the total number of users w/access to those applications along with their last login dates. Then based on that usage data, you can automatically reclaim or revoke access for that user.

Bring you own license (BYOL) support allows you to determine the compliance of Microsoft products such as Windows Server and SQL Server across hybrid infrastructures.

Vendor Catalog

The vendor catalog is a list of goods available from different vendors.

An accurate and complete vendor catalog can make it easier to keep items in stock at the best possible price.

You can link multiple vendor catalog items to a single product catalog item, which allows you to track information about a single item at different vendors.

For example, for an iPhone 5 product catalog item, you can create separate vendor catalog items from Apple and from Amazon. Select the vendor with the best price when you source an item. Users need the model_manager role to work with vendor catalog items.

The End Of The SAM Exam Study Guide For ServiceNow

This concludes the study guide and notes. Good luck on your exam! Feel free to email us at to discuss the exam, updates to this guide, or anything else!

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